White Web Template with Peach Design Accents for Fitness Clubs

Type: Html
Item: 47818
White Web Template with Peach Design Accents for Fitness Clubs - image
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White Web Template with Peach Design Accents for Fitness Clubs

Nice things in our everyday life have a power to change our mood, charge with energy and positive emotions. A pleasing website browsed by a user may bring him/her to a good mood, motivate and inspire for changes. Wouldn’t you like to please your potential customers with a nice inspirational resource? Think about the benefits you will get from it for your sports club. Here is a foundation for your awesome project - white web template with peach design accents for fitness clubs.

This white theme keeps the background simple and clean, while keeping the text bright and making it stand out on the layout. The combination of black and peach tones is used for a clever separation of the content items and text lines. The pictures are used with the same aim – to make the content parts visible and prominent, and to accentuate certain sections of the layout.

Nice, accurate, light and unobtrusive – these are descriptions of this sports related template.

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  • PHP v. 5.4+, 5.5+, 5.6+
  • Zend Guard Loader
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