Become a MotoCMS Affiliate

Earn up to 50% commissions on every template you sell
Available to Everyone
Join our program no matter what you do - business, blogging, marketing or web design. Earn profit, while evolving any personal online project of yours.
Enticing Commission Rates
Start with a 30% commission automatically, push up your sales and earn up to 50%. With an average check of $168, you'll raise from $50 to $85 on each sale.
Easy Affiliation Process
Become our partner within only a few steps and start retailing goods on the same day you join the program.

Making $ on MotoCMS Templates Is Easy

Steady demand for websites
Website templates with CMS is a standard, commonly accepted both by top brands and small business owners all over the world due to affordable price and simple integration.
Minimum efforts to start your business
MotoCMS affiliate team empowers a partner with own marketplace, launching it quickly and providing with all necessary details about its managing, promotion etc.
No knack for web development required
The only thing you need is business passion. Let us take care of all technical details, get profit and expand your company opportunities.

Why MotoCMS Affiliate Program?

We create a smooth climate for each MotoCMS affiliate to explore all program avenues.

Various Payment Solutions

Choose the most convenient way and get paid for each sale swiftly.

Effective Promotional Tools

Take advantage of affiliate links, banners, landing pages, articles and other promo materials that are regularly updated.

Extra Commission for New Affiliates

Bring a new partner to the MotoCMS affiliate family and get 5% from his/her revenue.

Professional Tech. Support

Save time on customer assistance with our support center that is available 24/7 to meet the needs of all your clients.

White label

Retail MotoCMS templates under your own brand in a ready-made shop that we install for you promptly.

365 Return Days

All-year-around active cookies. We pay for each sale, not just for the first one

Last Year Statistics

Calculate Your Wage
Traffic per month
Estimate a potential number of users you refer to us
Traffic per month
Conversion rate
The following data is based on average activities of our affiliates within several months. If necessary, adjust it to the percentage you think you are able to attain.
Conversion rate (%)
Average check
The following data is based on average activities of our affiliates within several months. If necessary, you can set your own values and count up your possible profit from sales
Average check ($)

Testimonials of Our Partners

Join 1000+ Happy MotoCMS Affiliates

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?
Anyone can become an affiliate, so it does not matter if you are a developer, designer or a freshman with MotoCMS, as long as you want to advertise our products and get some extra cash.
What is my commission's plan?
Starter - 30% commissions per sale/purchase - you get this commission right after you register in our affiliate program
Middle - 40% commissions per sale/purchase - you get this commission for a next month (1 month), once you sell/purchase products for total amount $1000+ in one month. Please note: In case your sales/purchases in a month (when you have 40% commissions) will be less than $1000+ commissions will be revert back to 30% for the next month.
Advanced - 50% commissions per sale/purchase - you get this commission for a next month 1 month), once you sell/purchase products for total amount $5000+ in one month. Please note: In case your sales/purchases in next month (when you have 50% commissions) will be less than $5000+ commissions will be revert back to 40% for the next month. In case it will be less than $1000+ sales/purchases your commissions will be revert back to 30%
How can I track my sales?
All statistics can be checked on your MyTemplateStorage account page, simply follow this path: Main » Statistics and select Statistics that you wish to check: Financial Statistics, Consolidated Balance or Traffic Statistics.
Payment methods
We provide our affiliates with 5 different Payment methods to withdraw their commissions, they are the following:
1) PayPal
2) MoneyBookers
3) Payoneer
4) WebMoney
5) Wire transfer

Please note: The amount to be withdrawn from your account should exceed $100 (for payments via MoneyBookers, ACH transfer, and check) or $800 (for the payment via wire transfer). Your payment request will be processed within the next 5 business days. (except for ACH for which the processing period is up to 15 business days).
My affiliate tools
We are ready to suggest the following tools for our Affiliates in order for them to start earning more money with our company:
1) Text links - the easiest tool, simply copy link with your Affiliate ID, add it to your website or provide your customers with it and get commissions from these purchases.
2) Banners - You can select the best suitable size of our banners and place it on your website, to create constant flow of customers and increase your sales. (Link to banners)
3) Articles - Use our informative articles to place them on your website, blog or post them on any other resource with your affiliate ID and get commissions for sales made through this post. (link to articles)
4) Landing Page - is an HTML page with Top 12 MotoCMS templates. We will install this page on your domain name and you can start selling templates, right away. (Link to landing example)
5) Multi-purpose landing page - Use this page to showcase our products, refer your visitors to, and offer them free 24/7 support provided by MotoCMS website builder. We will do the installation of Multi-landing page for you.(Link to multi-landing example)
6) Ready-Made Store (RMS) - This tool allows you to build your own Online store with MotoCMS products. It’s up to you whether you want to promote our products or sell them without showing your users who made them. Also we will do the installation of RMS for you. (Link to RMS example)

Please note: To edit RMS you need to have some knowledge in coding, also intallation process of RMS takes up to 15 business days (once we get the valid details).
Can I create a discount/promocode for my customers?
Yes, we can create a promo code for you so your customers, can purchase our MotoCMS templates with a discount.
Please note: Amount of discount can not be higher than half of your commission %, so on starter level, you can have maximum 15% promo code and your commissions from purchases with these promo code will be 15%.
Can I create my own store with your templates?
We have a great tool for you in case you wish to build your own store, it is - RMS (Ready-Made store). This store can be installed on your server within business 15 days once we got all needed server details and your server fully corresponds to needed requirements. Also, you need to have some minor knowledge in coding, since RMS made based on HTML (not MotoCMS) and in order to apply some certain changes, except admin panel tools you also will need to access a code in the template files on your server. Or build an online store with our products manually on your website. You can purchase our products and add their images on your website with the payment link which will be connected to your account (PayPal for example), so you will charge customers yourself.
Can I use my commissions to purchase templates?
Yes, if you have commissions that you would like to use for template's purchase we can use this money to proceed with the order. However in case your amount of commission is not enough to fully cover the template's cost, you will need to pay a price difference.
PLease note: You will not get the commission from these purchases.
How to get more traffic on the website?
Please check our free eBooks here they will be helpful for your website optimization and allows you to get more traffic on your page in future.
Can I use domain name Motocms but for my country (, and etc)?
This question needs a personal solution from our Affiliate manager Tim Ross, since each case needs to be checked individually. Please feel free to email her at
More Questions?
Ask a MotoCMS Affiliate Manager!
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