Marketing & SEO

Call to Action Marketing – Best CTA Examples for Online Businesses

Andre Oentoro 17 August, 2018

Quick question: did you download any new app or sign up for new services in the past month? If you did, then you’re one of the “victims” of Call to Action marketing.

call to action marketing main image

How Does Call to Action Marketing Work?

Call to Action marketing works by feeding off the momentum that you’ve built in the previous stages of your conversion funnel. It means if you haven’t set up a great funnel, you should do that and construct your CTA after.

You can set up many conversion funnels depending on the goals you want to achieve. If you’re running a website for your business, essentially you should focus on getting more revenue by nurturing visitors into hot leads.

When a visitor comes to your website, they begin their journey in your funnel. How you treat them from that point on will decide whether or not they’ll be interested in your offers. This is where the call to action marketing is crucial. In order to make a call to action marketing works like it’s supposed to, you need to design your landing page to amplify its effect.

Landing Page Copy

At the bottom of this page, you’ll see some of Call to Action examples that you can use to inspire your next landing pages. But first, let’s talk about what you need to know about a great landing page design for your call to action marketing strategy.

Short & Concise

Your landing page should not have too many words clumped up in one body of text. Having separate sections with 1-3 sentences each should be fine. But shorter is better when it comes to landing pages.

Actionable Headline

Call to action marketing relies heavily on giving clear instructions to visitors about what they should do. Everything you write in your landing page should entice people to do something – in this case, it may be signing up for a trial, downloading an ebook, or booking a consultation call. For example: “Grab your free ebook here” is much more attainable than a button that says “Free Marketing Ebook”

Customized Copy

The copy on your landing page should match where visitors come from. If they came from your email newsletter that offers a free ebook download, your landing page should pick up from the conversation in your last email. If you have many conversion funnels, this may take some effort — but you’ll see that it’s worth it.

Page Title, URL, and Description

Call to action marketing is a great Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) method, but not kill two birds with one stone? Optimizing your page title, URL, and meta description will help your landing page rank better in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). So, be sure to do your keyword research prior to constructing your landing page.

Landing Page and Call to Action Design

Landing page and buttons design are among the most crucial element of a call to action marketing strategy. These are a few pointers about landing page and CTA buttons design that you should know.

Images Should Be Descriptive

Having images in your landing page can assist your CTA marketing as long as the images are indicative of what visitors would receive after committing certain action. The best landing page images should tell visitors what awaits them after filling out a form or clicking a button.

Image Alt Text

Alt text is very useful for SEO. Since search engine crawlers can’t read images, they use alt text to determine the subject of an image. Also, alt text will be shown in the place of your images whenever they fail to load.

Customized CTA Buttons

What is CTA marketing without talking about custom buttons? As arguably the most vital element, it’s only natural to spend extra effort in designing a customized button for your landing page. CTA buttons should work in sync with the headline of your landing page.

CTA Infographics

Now, as promised — here’s an infographic from Breadnbeyond, an explainer video company, that contains Call to Action examples for your landing pages.

use of CTA in marketing - infographics

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Tags: digital marketing marketing marketing check list marketing strategies marketing tools online marketing search engine marketing
Author: Andre Oentoro
Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning animation video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales and get positive ROI from explainer videos. Twitter: @breadnbeyond Email: LinkedIn: Andre Oentoro