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Examples of Vision and Mission Statement – Create Value of Your Site

Those who launch websites have many things to cope with – managing sites, adding content, promotion. Still, it’s essential not to forget to create value that makes people stay focused. They should know what to expect and whether your company can give them what they want. Without a clear statement and convenient navigation, some of them won’t even continue scrolling your site; others will try to find out what you offer but why not make your clients’ lives easier? Let’s consider examples of vision and mission statement for ideal interaction with customers and better user experience.

Difference Between Vision and Mission Statements

Is It Necessary for Business?

Of course, it is! Effective examples of vision and mission statement play the role of your website business card, especially if you provide quality products/services and appreciate every potential client.


Thus, the focus of your organization is clear to the target audience. If you just start your online business , you need it even more than experienced companies having constant clients. In the beginning, it may be challenging to build trust relationships, and the perfect examples of vision and mission statement can become the first bridge to customer loyalty and brand recognition.

Let’s go deeper.

Examples of Vision and Mission Statement from Famous Enterprises

We think that practice and real examples are better than any words on how it should be.


Mission: organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Vision: provide an important service to the world – instantly delivering relevant information on virtually any topic.

In the mission statement, we see what Google already does, while in the vision one, you may feel that it appeals to your soul by creating the understanding of how essential Google services are for the world. Indeed, this excellent search engine does incredible work by managing billions of requests in seconds! And it’s clearly described in the examples of vision and mission statement.


Mission: spread ideas.

TED believes in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives, and the world, so the mission couldn’t be better. It’s short but how powerful it is, don’t you think?

There is a separate About page with a subpage called Our organization, where TED presents information about the organization, its mission, history, process itself. It doesn’t provide a clear vision, but it’s mentioned that they want to provide free knowledge and create “a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other,” which is about future expectations and intentions, in fact.


Mission: serve consumers through online and physical stores and focus on selection, price, and convenience.

Vision : be Earth’s Most Customer-Centric Company, Earth’s Best Employer, and Earth’s Safest Place to Work.

Amazon has chosen precise and solid words for describing its aim. There are just no words; we doubt that it can be better. In this example, you can see how essential it is to understand what you offer and why. After such a mission statement, most users will definitely want to check Amazon’s products and ensure their quality.

The vision sounds a little bit arrogant, don’t you think? Still, it provides confidence in the company’s power and future success.


Mission: connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.

Vision: create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.

As LinkedIn is created for business communication, employee search, and open vacancies, then the mission statement is a 100% perfect match. Even though both ideas seem similar, a clear difference in their perception can be traced. It means that these examples of vision and mission statement are ideal.


Mission: to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport by bringing compelling mass-market electric cars to market as soon as possible.

Vision: create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.

Here we see what Tesla does and what it aims to do in the future. It sounds a bit dry and without inspiration or motivation to buy, but the statements are written distinctly, no questions.


Mission: offering all women and men worldwide the best of cosmetics innovation in terms of quality, efficacy, and safety.

Vision: driving the cosmetic industry with an inclination on sustainability.

The mission statement is incredible. It ensures that L’Oréal ’s product is quality, effective, safe, and created for everybody. It evokes the feeling of security and desire to trust the company and try its products or monitor the website at least.

L’Oréal not only proves real passion for beauty that moves the world but thinks of nature and innovations. Therefore, it attracts an audience not only by reliable offers but its vision of the world and business development in 21 century.


Mission: provide consumers with the best tasting, most nutritious choices in a wide range of food and beverage categories and eating occasions, from morning to night.

Vision: to be a leading, competitive, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company delivering improved shareholder value by being a preferred corporate citizen, preferred employer, preferred supplier selling preferred products.

Nestlé considers itself as the world’s largest food and beverage company. Thus, in the examples of vision and mission statement, it indicates that there is a variety of products with the best tasting that you can eat any time and improve your life and health. Nestle wants to be the best. The phrases are created well, but I’d like to get more interaction from the point of view of customers. They are associated with “the best”, “preferred”, “competition” but not “customer-oriented business”(even though this is not the case).


Mission: to live in the world where one day you can feel like you’re home anywhere & not in a home, but truly home, where you belong.

Vision: belong anywhere.

These statements are created with thoughts and care about the clients, and it’s obvious. After reading these lines, you feel that you’ll be accepted anywhere as at home, so the fear of a new place immediately disappears, and you’re ready to choose the apartment in every part of the world and click the button Book.


Mission: to offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.

Vision: to create better everyday life for the many people.

Just perfect mission statement – the company’s product will satisfy any consumer, even those who have some difficulties. Thus, the client doesn’t leave the website thinking that the material of goods isn’t good enough or that the prices aren’t affordable. Ikea ’s glad to see every visitor.

Considering the vision, it seems too broad at first but taking into account that Ikea is an international home products company related to many people’s lives, it’s simple but accurate.



Mission: to be the world’s favorite destination for discovering great value and unique selection.

Vision: our vision for commerce is one that is enabled by people, powered by technology, and open to everyone.

In this example, we observe that the vision statement answers Why, which is an excellent business decision. As eBay is an auction in which anyone can participate both as a seller and as a buyer, it can not have a precise mission statement (like “you’ll get the best things for home decor”). Still, it’s clear that eBay provides a global presence and unique services from the phrase above. That’s enough.

How to Write Good Examples of Vision and Mission Statement?

The answer is short – clearly with intent. You should motivate users by focused, inspiring phrases. Let’s get into details.

Main Features of Mission

It answers the question, “What are we created for?” For instance, the mission is to create the safest services considering building and remodeling either residential houses or commercial buildings.


Main Features of Vision

It answers the question, “Who do we see ourselves in the future?” Unlike a mission, a vision can change over time and not have a specific deadline. It’s a dream, the model of the company in several years. An example of the vision: “We are striving to become the largest supplier of medicines in New York.”


On the Way to Ideal Examples of Vision and Mission Statement

There is not a single precise rule that indicates that you should write a mission for a company or organization only this or that way, and if someone writes it differently, it’s wrong. Remember the one thing: If you can apply your company’s mission statement to any other organization, that costs nothing.

A good mission statement is always one-of-a-kind and specific. It cannot be limited to a mix of empty phrases, the only purpose of which is to somehow fill the space on a page. Specificity is essential. There is no need to claim “We are always the best and #1 on the market”(prove it by your services if it’s true).

Convenient Structure to Succeed

In the beginning, try to answer the following five questions:

  1. What does the company do? (have a website for yacht rental )
  2. Who is your customer? (moms, dads, students, grandparents)
  3. What needs do we cover? (we create mini lawn tractors with the high capacity)
  4. How are we helping this world? (our organic farm provides tractors with powerful and smooth-running V-twin design, full-length welded steel for reliability, and snow removal tools).
  5. Why do we consider ourselves successful? (because the S-series mini lawn tractor has won in the Agro exhibition.).

With this short guide, it’s possible to create robust examples of vision and mission statement quickly. It is essential that the mission statement of the company is filled with your true ambitions and spirit, and not with a set of random words.

And the last tip – edit, edit, edit until every word matches your ideas perfectly and the phrase sounds super inspiring and hooks users.

Mission Analysis

We’ve tried to highlight the main criteria for analyzing the company’s mission, which will help you check it for compliance with the common rules and sense.

Tell a Persuasive Story with Examples of Vision and Mission Statement

Examples of vision and mission statement are powerful tools indeed. Making them clear and describing truly efficient things is what you should consider. Whether you have a small business or a large corporation, they couldn’t hurt anyway but are likely to make a profit.

Full-Fledged Website Matters

Add mission and vision statements to the About us page or mix them and add to the main image on a home page, so the first things the users will see on your site are quality, eye-catching image, and compelling text that hooks and makes them read further. Still, perfect statements are nothing in case your website’s functionality is awful. Take care of user experience and consider all the necessary details, think of:

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