
How to Design a Killer Long-Form Landing Page

Mary Frost 13 November, 2020

Writing a long-form landing page is an art – and we’ve all seen plenty of bad art, so good landing page copy is truly a rare breed. Great long-form landing pages attract readers and build interest in the product. Unfortunately, some landing page copy turns readers and potential buyers away. If you want positive and effective customer relationships, then writing effective copy for your sales landing page will connect with your readers much better than badly-written copy ever could. Give it the best design you can muster, plan the content carefully, prepare great copy, and publish your landing page.

create a killer long-form landing page

Is the Long-Form Landing Page Dead?

These days, there’s a lot of discussion about whether or not long landing pages still work. Many of us have heard that landing pages are on their way out or no longer relevant to customers. That’s not actually true.

Bad landing pages fail to attract buyers, but consumers have plenty of attention to give when the message is appealing and helpful. Having long landing pages is okay if the copy serves your readers by showing the benefits and use cases of a product or service.

Long-Form Landing Pages Designed for Readers

Consumer-focused sales pages have a long, well-written copy prepared specifically for your audience. As it turns out, visitors to your landing page who are very interested in your products will gladly read longer sales copy. Long-form copy on a sales page should inform, interest, and educate your readers with more information on your product. Readers should walk away with more of their questions answered and better understand how your solutions can address their problems.

For instance, as they read your sales copy, they should feel like they can justify the purchase – particularly if it’s a more expensive product. A weight-loss program that costs $10 might need less justification than a $500 workshop. If you’re selling the workshop, be prepared to write a novel. Visitors will want to justify the purchase to themselves or explain it to a spouse if they’re parting with that kind of cash.

In other words, how you design and create your long-form landing page makes a big difference. Following the landing page, best practices in the next section will help you develop a more effective sales page.

How to Write a Better Sales Page

Great sales pages are all about how they’re planned and executed. Once you know how to create a great landing page, you can repeat the process repeatedly as you develop your content. Use the following ideas on your landing pages to build a website that will meet your expectations.

website copy

Plan Content for the Audience

Figure out who your target audiences are if you don’t already know, and create personas for them. Find their pain points and write to solve their problems.

Create a Thrilling Design for Your Long-Form Landing Page

Good design is another big part of keeping eyes on your page and improving conversions. Your site shouldn’t be ugly. It should also fit your brand and go well with the rest of your website.

Pay Attention to the Quality of Your Copy

Write well. Hire a professional if you do not want to write the copy yourself or feel unqualified to write a great sales page. You are better off paying more if it means getting better quality marketing out there and connecting with your audience better.

Use a Minisite

Instead of linking away from your sales page to add information, designing your landing page as a mini-site can help you provide more info without losing potential customers. It’s also a way to shorten the text but still give a full explanation to those who need it.

Don’t Worry About Attention Spans

Ever heard, “consumers have the attention span of a goldfish – nine seconds”? Don’t worry about it as long as you create great content. Your readers will keep paying attention if your sales page serves them.

Format Correctly

Is your landing page formatted for the web? Using larger fonts, breaking-up long paragraphs, and using visuals helps keep your content interesting and easy to read.

Keep it Fresh

Readers are always looking for entertainment in addition to education, as our brains like novelty and interesting stuff. Use lists, subheads, and experiment with different content.

Create a YouTube or TikTok Version

Try adding a video and embedding it on your sales page. You can also upload that video to YouTube or create something for TikTok if it fits your brand and your audience. Video might reach different consumers or might be useful alongside your written content.

Don’t Forget the User Experience (UX)

Be attentive to how users interact with your site to ensure your website is user friendly and includes navigation and usability best practices.

With the right design and planning, your sales landing page can attract customers and generate conversions for your brand. How you design your landing page matters a great deal.

Converting with Long-Form Landing Page for Sales

Long-form landing pages are still converting. The right amount of design, good content, thorough research, and excellent visuals can help you connect with your audience and transform visitors into customers and even brand supporters. The landing page format is here to stay. Being willing to experiment with different techniques, designs, CTAs, and multimedia will go a long way towards building your brand’s value with prospective customers.

Tags: creating a landing page landing page landing page design long-form landing page website design writing effective copy
Author: Mary Frost
Mary Frost is a copywriter with a strong understanding of digital marketing trends and SEO. Her interests lie firmly with health, beauty, and modern technologies. Besides, she is a big fan of science-fiction books and traveling. Her current role as a copywriter for MotoCMS covers all areas of creative and digital marketing, including content creation.