Marketing & SEO

How Use Pinterest for Business – Best Tool for Visuals Promotion

Alex Foxx-Lee 9 December, 2021

December is the magical time when everyone waits for the holidays, good mood, and Christmas coziness, which allows us to believe in a fairy tale. But where to find winter inspiration and create a particular atmosphere, if you don’t have any ideas? There is the best solution – go to Pinterest, which is an inexhaustible creative source! It is especially true for business owners and media influencers who create trends themselves and are looking for ways to promote brands, services & products. So, how use Pinterest for business, and what benefits can you derive from it?

Christmas Inspiration

Many people know Pinterest as a popular social media with its own photo hosting, where everyone can upload images, create thematic collections and share them with other users. However, few people know that the Pinterest business profile is also an excellent promotion tool that rivals Instagram and YouTube. Today, we will talk about ways to get inspiration through Pinterest and the advertising opportunities of this platform that will help increase your site traffic & sales, respectively. Grab cups with hot chocolate, treat yourself to gingerbread cookies, and welcome to the world of Pinterest magic!

Why You Should Try Pinterest Business Use

Despite the general popularity of the social network and the mind-boggling Pinterest statistics presented by professional analysts, few entrepreneurs are familiar with this platform and perceive one as an effective tool for social media brand building. Why is that? Probably because initially Pinterest was created in 2009 as an application for collecting images, and many people associate it with creativity and ideological searches only. Yes, this is true and is a vital platform feature. However, the possibilities of professional accounts for Pinterest business use dramatically expand the list of its advantages.

Next, we’ll talk about the features and uses of the Pinterest business profile in detail. Now I want to show you some exciting statistics:

  • More than 400 million people use Pinterest, among which 45% of the audience are Americans with an annual income of over $ 100,000.
  • Pinterest is one of the top-rated social media for marketers worldwide – 28% of successful experts use it for online promotion.
  • 8/10 of active Pinterest users claim to have made a purchasing decision based on offers from brands and companies published on Pinterest.
  • About 77% of Pinterest users say the platform has helped them find new products or brands that meet their needs.

We can conclude that the Pinterest business profile is a super powerful promotion tool now. Although users are looking here for ideas, not products, you will have unlimited opportunities for advertising and interaction with a well-targeted audience. So, it will be easier for your marketers to attract more solvent subscribers interested in the quality visualization of your products & services.

How Use Pinterest for Business – Main Account Features

The appearance of a personal profile and a Pinterest for business account is not much different. However, a business profile gives you access to online commerce, advertising, and in-site analytics. Pinterest also emphasizes that any account created for commercial purposes must be registered by a licensed company, and the account owner must sign an agreement with the terms of use.

It is noteworthy that you can either change your account type in the settings or create a Pinterest business profile initially. Managers and marketers will be pleasantly surprised by the user-friendly environment and helpful recommendations which Pinterest rewards its commercial users with. The platform provides tips on content creation, ways to make money and create ads, and even information on best practices with tips for pins’ optimizing and selecting.

Tips on Pins

After registering a commercial account, you will be able to promote your products and services to an expanded audience. You can create Pins, product collections on boards for specific subscriber groups, separate boards and Pins for special offers, and more. You can also use Pinterest for business as a product catalog. Add your online store link to your Pin descriptions and use Pinterest for Ecommerce effortlessly!

Small Guide to Features of Pinterest for Business Account

There are a few facts about Pinterest business use you should know:

  • Pinterest is a visual platform, so the quality of images used is vital to your account’s success. You can create photos and illustrations yourself, hire professional artists or buy stock content.
  • Pinterest is a user-friendly and ergonomic app with intuitive control, customization & search methods. Feel free to try one, even if you have had no experience before – your acquaintance with Pinterest for business account will be successful!

Focus on creating the right atmosphere and setting the goals of your Pinterest account. Do you want to inspire target audiences, or sell products? Delegate complex analytical work and SEO optimization to your in-site employees or invited specialists, for example, from the MotoCMS customer service.

Pinterest Rich Pins for Proper Context Creation

Pinterest Rich Pins is the latest tool to empower your images by adding metadata and additional information about a featured product, service, or idea. Today, you can use three main types of Rich Pins Pinterest for business account, but I hope the developers will add more options over time, offering users even more benefits.

  • Rich Pins for articles allows you to attach links to your website or blog and add titles, descriptions & thematic hashtags. This type is ideal for advertising, announcements and new offers, and promoting products and services individually or in whole categories.

Pinterest for Blog Post

  • Rich Pins for products are more specific – they contain direct links to individual product pages, price tags, and availability information. These Pins are a great opportunity to boost your sales.

Pinterest Products Online

  • Rich Pins for recipes have separate text fields for dish name, ingredient list, cooking time, and serving information. If you have a food blog or food business, you can use this tool to grow your community and win new customers.

Cooking Pins

It’s worth noting that the ability to use Pinterest Rich Pins metadata allows you to link this to your site map. This way, you can turn any product page into an attractive Rich Pin that your client will retain. I still admire Pinterest’s support as anyone can find all the information they need on the official Help Center. For example, there is an excellent article on working with Rich Pins that contains helpful tips and ways to manage them.

The automatic Rich Pins update is another huge benefit for the Pinterest business profile. You change the information on the pages of your site, and your Rich Pins are updated automatically. You remove the product from the site pages or indicate that it is out of stock, and the Rich Pin for the product will hide one automatically. It is highly convenient!

Pinterest Advertising

Pinterest ads work in the same way as on Facebook and Instagram. You can use it for advertising the published images and videos, as well as content uploaded for the campaign exclusively. When creating an ad on Pinterest for business account, you can also define a purpose (increase awareness or conversion, boost views or app downloads) and choose an up-to-date format.

Products Promotion - How Use Pinterest

  • Promotional Pins look like regular ones from other social media. They do a great job with brand awareness, audience engagement, and site traffic.
  • Commercials will increase traffic to the site and track saves, views and clicks. Video ads will stand out against the background of photos and graphics in the Pinterest feed.
  • The Pinterest carousel is similar to Instagram’s carousel, allowing you to advertise a collection of products by displaying a gallery of images.
  • Mobile Pins are the most effective promotion tool, as 80% of Pinterest users use the app’s mobile version. It’s also ideal for online shopping, as you can use Pinterest boards as a catalog of your products.

Please note that Pinterest so far officially allows users to create ads only in Europe, the USA, and Canada, paying with an appropriate currency. Nevertheless, the platform is constantly expanding, regularly extending the list of countries available. When using Pinterest for business account advertising opportunities, you can customize your targeting by choosing the age, interests, keywords, region, language, and devices. Detailed information with advertising guidelines is available to all users of the platform.

Analytics Tools Pinterest for Business Account

Facebook and Google Analytics are versatile and quite effective tools for any company. However, Pinterest also offers its own analytics methods that will help you develop a promotion strategy and track social media metrics performance in the future. Notably, Pinterest for business account allows you to link one to your other platforms and accounts. This way, you can track traffic to your site from Pinterest and other resources.

Promotion of Pinterest Business Profile Off-Platform

Install a Pinterest widget on your website pages so that visitors can save images and videos onto their boards straight from your web resource. It doesn’t have to be a standard icon. You can also recreate the “Save” and “Subscribe” buttons, links to your profile or boards, and more. Modern CMSs with visual editing capabilities provide many customization benefits, so embedding Pinterest for business account buttons and widgets shouldn’t take long. For example, MotoCMS Easy Website Builder allows anyone to implement any design or idea in a few clicks, drag and drop, customize and personalize interface elements in real-time.

Pinterest Board on Website Builder


Feel free to use various tools to promote your online resources on and off the site. It will help increase and make your Pinterest business profile more successful!

Even More Tips on How Use Pinterest for Business Effectively

We’ve prepared a few more tips for you to use your Pinterest for business account more effectively. Try them to make your business profile grow and prosper.

  • Link your Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube accounts to Pinterest to connect audiences and track conversions from Pinterest to other social networks.
  • Decide why you are interested in Pinterest business use. Looking to boost sales, drive traffic to your website, or build a community for your brand? The purpose depends on the type of content you will publish and your target metrics.
  • Create your own Pins and Boards. Pinterest is a source of inspiration for most users looking for gift and travel ideas, creative projects, etc. Offer them ready-made wishlist kits to minimize the hassle of looking for interesting ideas for a long time.
  • Make a content plan. Posting regularly on Pinterest is vital, but don’t post too many in a short time, even if you have been starting to add products to your Pinterest business profile recently. The recommended frequency is 3-5 posts per day.
  • Pay attention to image optimization. Pinterest has a great search engine in-site, thus you need to choose keywords and descriptions for your Pins so that they appear at the top of the results.

Inspire & Being Inspired by Others

There are <1% people who can come up with something unique from scratch. However, many artists, designers, photographers, and content creators know how use Pinterest for business, inspired by other professionals. They can skillfully combine other people’s ideas and create fantastic artworks based on them. You also don’t have to be a genius or an adherent of legendary creators to make your Pinterest business use more effective. Feel free to explore other people’s creativity, follow the updates of your favorite Pinterest boards, and don’t stop in your creative searches!

How Use Pinterest for Business

Many experts & bloggers provide beautiful examples to design an attractive Pinterest business profile. Thus, you can find the perfect option for inspiration among the top 20 Pinterest influencers or the most popular Pinterest niches by yourself.

Well-Designed Visuals Boost Sales – Instead of Conclusion

With the onset of the 2020 pandemic, most of the world’s purchases went online, which was appreciated by both buyers and sellers. However, increased competition and the inability to study products and services before buying in-store have created some difficulties for business owners. They fight for each client, and each client fights for the quality of the goods they need. In this case, superior visualization is a great solution, allowing salespeople to solve several problems at once:

  • satisfaction the emotional needs of shoppers who focus on product visuals;
  • raising product awareness as visitors first look at the photos and then the description details;
  • demonstration of the value of purchases by showing customers illustrations of how they can use the product and what benefits it provides for them.

In turn, modern social networks support business owners with tools for sharing & promoting quality content. Pinterest is no exception. As one of the most popular photo hosting sites, the platform offers easy-to-use promotion tools, a loyal community, and excellent analytics. Farsighted Pinterest business use helps you reach a large audience and dramatically increase traffic to your site. The time you take to create a Pinterest business profile and familiarize yourself with its features will fully pay off in increased sales.

People like to get new emotions, experiences, and sensations. And the beauty and inspiration that you will broadcast through your Pinterest account will be the best manifestation of your care for customers and interest in meeting their needs.

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Tags: design inspiration ecommerce freebies marketing marketing strategies marketing tools pinterest social media social media presence tips on social media content sharing web development
Author: Alex Foxx-Lee
Alex is an experienced content maker, online marketer, and longtime MotoCMS friend. Creating unique and engaging content is her main passion and the foundation of all creative pursuits. She enjoys exploring, learning, and working with details, which helps her with creative projects. At work, she improves business websites, filling them with high-quality & readable texts. In everyday life, she photographs, designs, and proceses images :)