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10 Best Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate and Increase Your Ranking

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Reducing a high bounce rate results in many positive things for your business, including an increase in client numbers, more traffic and followers, and of course, higher ranking on search engines. If it is too high, you don’t stand a chance of converting visitors into actual customers. That being said, your goal should definitely be to increase the ranking and the metrics measures, but it should be the exact opposite when you want to reduce bounce rate of your website.

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The process is somewhat complementary. If you manage to achieve this, your conversion rates will go higher. However, to get there, you must develop a good strategy that generates search traffic consistently.

What is Website Bounce Rate?

Working on increasing the performance of your website requires you to pay attention to google bounce. A rate that is above the average means that something in your strategy doesn’t click. As a result, you cannot attract new visitors or your target audience as intended in your strategy.

So, what is a google bounce rate?

Let’s say that a visitor, either a customer or a prospect, open your website on any entrance page. However, shortly after, this visitor decides to leave the website without even opening other pages on it. When this happens, you are looking into a bounce.

In other words, the website bounce rate is a percentage of the visitors who exit the first page they open on your website, without looking around.

As a result, you might be wondering what is a good bounce rate for you. Knowing this, a low bounce rate is good for you, while a high bounce rate is a reason for concern. A high rate signifies that your landing page isn’t organized and enticing and that you need to take instant measures to reduce bounce rate and increase your ranking.

How to Reduce Bounce Rate on Your Site

Now that we’ve answered the question as to what is a good bounce rate for your website, it is time to discuss the best methods for reaching that number. Here are some great tips that will help you reduce the bounce rate to the minimum. After all, the answer to the question what is a good bounce rate is the lowest you can get.

As Navneet Kaushal states, a high bounce rate should not go unnoticed. And as soon as you notice it, you should see this as a sign that you need to redesign your content and website marketing strategies.

These tips will help you get there.

1. Improve Readability of Your Content to Reduce Bounce Rate

This is perhaps the biggest reason why people leave websites after a very short time – lack of readability. It is the starting point for user experience – it begins with legible and readable content, followed by quality and interesting writing.

Basically, you are looking to improve readability by removing those large chunks of unnecessary text, the bad formatting, or versatility. Something as minor as bad formatting can ruin your chances at turning a visitor into a customer and result in a google bounce, regardless of how great the content actually is.

So, if you want to get rid of that high bounce rate, one of the essential things to do is improve the visualization and readability of the content you publish.

Here are some tips for achieving this:

Once you do all this and more, make sure to check if you did well. Furthermore, make sure you avoid grammar mistakes to keep your writing clear.

2. Create an Inviting Call-to-Action

Most websites nowadays have such a button, but less than half actually have a call-to-action that is compelling and inviting to the visitors. Once a visitor opens your website, which is a success on its own, it is your job to build their interest with the design and the content. All your efforts will be in vain if you lose the visitor’s interest because you have a weak call-to-action.

That being said, you need to optimize your CTA to reduce bounce rate. Doing this can be more challenging than it sounds, since with such a small website element, every little detail matters. Something that seems completely irrelevant or minor to you, such as the text on your button, can make all the difference between a dull and compelling CTA.

3. Avoid All Those Popups to Reduce Bounce Rate

Popups are annoying to most visitors, and this is no wonder. With all those popups appearing literally everywhere, people lose a lot of time they’d rather spend reading the content or looking into the website they opened in the first place. So, if you want a good google bounce rate, it is best for you to minimize these as much as you can.

Ideally, you won’t use popups, but the truth is, they are often necessary. Whether it is to promote something about your business, introduce a new product, or provide the visitor with a special offer, popups can be really effective.

So, your goal is to allow for popups that don’t disrupt the reading of the visitor, aren’t too aggressive or annoying. Just stick to the necessary one and eliminate all the rest.

4. Be Smart about Your Use of Storytelling

No one can say that storytelling is bad since it captivates the target audience’s mind and makes them interested in your brand. However, you must be very careful about how you use brand storytelling on your website.

Most of the visitors on your site won’t really read your content. They’ll scan the pages, which is where those headings and bullet points mentioned before come very handy. But most importantly, they will be looking for something special, something that truly stands out. Whether it is a compelling subheading, a great image, or an interesting term, storytelling needs to connect intriguing elements to keep the attention of the audience. Otherwise, you are looking at a higher bounce rate and with it, low website analytics.

5. Be Consistent with Fresh and Quality Content

Being consistent with content is one of the first things you will learn about website creation and marketing. Being consistent with quality, fresh content is the second. Even in the case with bounce rates, this still applies. Why? Because bounce rates are essential for good results in your website analytics, and content is what keeps your website functional and great.

Fresh content that is published on regular basis does many things for your blog. It generates more leads, it attracts more visitors, and the important thing in this case – it helps you reduce bounce rate.

So, make sure that your content is powerful and produces results, and it does this regularly. For better results in your website analytics search, make it mobile-friendly and fitting for the target audience. This should help you achieve your goals.

6. Use the Right Keywords

Keywords can do one of two things – make or break the marketing campaign you have for your website. The first will improve your performance on search engines and reduce bounce rate, while the latter will ruin your chances of ranking high and attracting visitors, not to mention customers.

Target the right keywords and spread them throughout all your content. Your audience should be able to find you to read your content, and they won’t do this if you don’t use the right keywords. The right use of the right keywords will send the target audience to you, and keep them on your site without leaving within seconds.

Speaking of keywords, you should differentiate between two key categories of keywords:

Naturally, you need both.

7. Choose Your Audience

The wrong audience will most likely leave your website fast, meaning that these are the biggest cause for a higher bounce rate on your site. To be able to reduce bounce rate, you need to stop attracting the wrong visitors. If they keep coming and leaving your website, you must be doing something wrong with your targeting strategy.

Quality and consistent content can have a great impact on a well-targeted audience, but it won’t really affect the ones who aren’t really interested in what you are offering. So, if you notice that your current strategy is attracting visitors who aren’t really interested, it is time to rethink your targeting strategy first.

Instead of just focusing on quality or regularly posted content, focus on relevant content. The keywords will help you reach the right audience, while relevancy will help you keep them on your website. This in terms, will help you remove those high bounce rates.

8. Make More Landing Pages for Your Keywords

More landing pages mean more pages for your visitors to look at. Now you might be wondering: how will more pages help me reduce bounce rate?

Here is the answer. People might be leaving your website because they cannot find the things they need fast. Most visitors don’t have the time to look around without any help on your behalf.

The more landing pages on your site can create more experience for your visitors. This will increase the click-through search rate. Naturally, you want these landing pages to be placed onto your keywords so that you can get visits on other pages than your homepage.

Everyone knows that most visitors open the homepage, which means that most bounces happen on this page, too. Based on the keywords you chose, make landing pages to make it easier for the visitor to look around and navigate your website.

9. Analyze and Increase the Page Load Time Speed

Site speed is very important to users. In fact, it is so important that they’ll leave your website if it doesn’t load in 2 seconds or less than this. This gives you three seconds to provide the visitors with content and quality design. Otherwise, you have the reason for the higher bounce rate.

The longer your page loads, the higher are the chances that your customers will leave your site and move on to the next one in the niche. Therefore, one sure way to reduce bounce rate is to analyze the website speed and if it is low, increase it as soon as possible.

10. Demonstrate Credibility

Credibility means that you make people trust you and in this case, your content. This is similar to your reputation – it is all about the perception others have of your website. And when it comes to a website – this matters.

Use your opportunity to influence and help others, that is if you want to keep earning money and have long-term customers. With time, transparency and consistency, you can build credibility with your audience. Once you have this, people will be more willing to stay on your website.

A credible website will make people trust your content, give them a feeling of security that you are keeping their personal information safe, instill some confidence in them even when they are spending money on it, and eliminate the dilemma of whether to buy or not to buy.


These are just a couple of essential steps every website marketer should take to reduce the bounce rate to the minimum. With it, numerous benefits will arise, such as more sales and customers, higher conversion rate, more visits on your website, and higher success.

A higher bounce rate is never good news for you. Without people sticking to see your website, you cannot really say that all your remaining marketing strategies have succeeded. After all, your goals are to keep visitors on your site long enough to become customers. Without it, you haven’t succeeded at all.