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What Is A Lead Magnet & How Can You Attract the Most Relevant Prospects

Lead generation is one of the hardest activities for modern businesses, attracting ready-to-spend customers to your website as efficiently as possible. If this is something that you are struggling with, we may have the perfect solution. In this article, we will write about: What is a lead magnet? And how can you successfully attract the most relevant prospects?

What Is a Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet is a term used in marketing to describe a free item or service given to prospects in exchange for their contact details. There are many different lead magnet ideas for you to choose from (e.g., free WordPress themes or Whitepapers, etc.); however, in this article, we will focus on one of our favorites: FREE eBooks!

How Can You Successfully Attract the Most Relevant Prospects?

To successfully attract the most relevant prospects to your website, you need to consider who your ideal audience is and what they desire the most. When conducting extensive audience research, you can deep dive into their psyche and determine what revs their engine. In doing so, you can create a FREE resource that will be far too good for them to resist getting their hands on.

For example, an agency looking to promote their SEO Services in Sydney could create an eBook titled: “Perfect Your Local SEO Strategy in 20 Simple Steps.” Assuming that their target audience is small business owners in Sydney, that resource will be very attractive to them.

SEO Is the Backbone of Any Lead-generation Strategy

There are many ways to generate leads; B2B marketing on LinkedIn, running PPC ads, and interactive marketing (to name a few). However, the backbone of your lead gen strategy should almost certainly be SEO (search engine optimization). An irresistible FREE resource on your website is good if you aren’t getting any traffic.

Fortunately, you’ve already researched your audience, which can influence your keyword research and broader SEO strategy. Following that, you must work on optimizing your website in accordance with Google’s search algorithm. Once that is up and running, your website should start attracting more traffic (relatively qualified as they have been actively searching for your products or services).

The eBook Does the Rest

Once that traffic starts rolling in, one of the first things they will come across on your website is: “CLAIM YOURS FOR FREE TODAY! CTA is next to a beautifully designed eBook that promises all the information they need to take their business to even greater heights. Those who don’t automatically convert into business may be tempted to claim their eBook, which will be filtered into your email list.

Following that, you can continue to nurture these prospects with a well-strategized email marketing campaign that provides them with regular, high-value information. The key is demonstrating your authority while overwhelming them with just how time and resource intensive it is to achieve top results. And then voila! All is going well. They call you up and request your expertise.

Final Thoughts: The Trinity to Modern Lead Generation

SEO, a lead magnet, and an awesome email marketing campaign are the holy trinity of modern lead generation. If you can successfully put them into play, you’ll invariably notice a huge spike in the number of hot prospects coming your way!