
If you have the talent to be shown off to the wide audience, you have to build a creative website. We understand how difficult it is to do from scratch, so, a ready platform is a much better solution. Plus, website templates developed by MotoCMS team have only exclusive designs. We suppose this handicraft website design with jQuery slider will be interesting for those who produce natural soap. The template is created in natural colors, so far as is oriented on products and creations made by hands. There are several shades of brown plus a fairy purple tone. Besides an appealing slider on the main page, the theme has many colorful illustrations all over the layout. Visual attractiveness is the main principle of building a promising website. If you are still not sure whether this handicraft website design is your perfect choice, try the demo version – it will clear everything up!

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  • PHP v. 5.4+, 5.5+, 5.6+
  • Zend Guard Loader
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