Personal Landing Page Template for Private Teachers

Personal Landing Page Template Image
This type of product is getting outdated. MotoCMS 3 templates have limited functionality features and follow a bit obsolete look and patterns. So, if you wish to get an updated website theme, choose one from the vast set of modern Moto 4 templates in the target category. You will undoubtedly find the one to your liking!


Modern education smoothly switches to the Internet, as it is convenient and does not require the student to visit a particular place. If you want to create your website and advertise your courses, this personal landing page template is what you need. Its interface is fully responsive and looks great on all devices. Moreover, it has a unique outline that attracts visitors' attention from the first sight.Multipurpose Personal Landing Page TemplateThis private tutor website template for the training site is ideal for educational purposes. You can use it for creating a corporate training center website, promoting teaching courses, etc. The template has a flexible slider, tabs, call to action button, gallery, contact forms, newsletter subscription forms, and many other essential functions for an education site. On the header of the education website template, there is a black bar that implies a logo, navigation menu, and a captivating button. It redirects to the form where you can select a date and submit an appointment in a few clicks.In the information section on the personal landing page, a newcomer will be able to read who you are and check your achievements in a particular field. A profession highlights by yellow. Also, the user will be able to contact you by using social networks. There are many social media icons like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest in the top right section of the block. Each figure has a hover effect that changes its color from white to yellow when a particular symbol is active. Moreover, you can showcase your skills in more detail by using the tabs widget on the online tutor website template. It implies four sections. Each of them shows the list of particular skills upon a click.Captivating Personal Landing Page Template by MotoCMSThe site has a convenient photo gallery. It is supplemented with a hover effect. Hence, when a user points on an image, an additional yellow layer appears. Furthermore, the layer implies a sign that indicates that a user can open a particular image full-screen upon a click. In the block with courses, you can describe the topics of your lessons, add a short explanation, and indicate different degrees of difficulty. Moreover, the academic personal website template foresees the ability to share the success of your students. Also, there is a pricing table available by default.The personal landing page template implies a top-notch feature for online tutors. A user will be able to see the free dates and times in the calendar, and when you click on them, sign up for a lesson or consultation. This feature is implemented using the Acuity Scheduling resource. Hence, do not hesitate to try the MotoCMS website builder by yourself. Register a free 14-day trial and start using the website builder with no charge.
Jackson Neshvil Verified Buyer 2020-11-09
I was concerned about the price at first but it saved me a LOT in a perspective!
Sebec Riozo Verified Buyer 2020-11-08
I'm always glad when they handle my issues - always timely 4 hours reply time :)
  • PHP v. 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • with MySQL database support
  • Zip Extension
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