Plantillas Similares

  • Comentaros (5)
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Notas y comentarios de los clientes(5)

Karina Melasco Comprador de la plantilla

We're selling properties at our site and an ecommerce plugin was a huge deal for us, which essentially made our work less hard and fiddly

Said Comprador de la plantilla

Handliches und Modernes CMS. Mit dem MotoCMS Builder können selbst Leien in den Genuss von Professionellen Websites kommen. Es beinhaltet alle möglichen Tools und Widgets die eine Moderne Internetpräsenz ausmachen. Das genutzte Template ist eine Moderne Website mit viel Platz für eigene Kreativität. Mit den vielen nützlichen Tools des MotoCMS lässt sich so eine hoch Moderne und individuelle Internetpräsenz schaffen.

Stefan Comprador de la plantilla

Nice template for real estate. Really nice template, easy to make a real estate site that attracts potential clients!

Nicole Ferrera Comprador de la plantilla

Cool design!. My business is not real estate, but I fell in love with this design. I picked this template with Ready-Made website service, so MotoCMS guys inserted my own content to this template and helped me to build a website. SEO-friendly, responsive website with fresh design - that's my boy! MotoCMS, you are great! 5 stars!

Donald Martin Comprador de la plantilla

Good template, I like it!. I had seen the MotoCMS banner on many websites, but didn't go to this website as I couldn't even believe that building a website is an easy job. However, when my friend built his own website, I asked him how he managed to achive such results and he just sent me a link to your website. I gave him a chance and registered a demo. I was really impressed on how easy and fast the websites can be created! This template is awesome and I cannot imagine my business without the website built using this beautiful template. Highest mark!


  • PHP v. 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • with MySQL database support
  • Zip Extension
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