Notas y comentarios de los clientes(4)

Milena Local Comprador de la plantilla

Due to the upcoming elections our team decided to promote our candidate, we've selected this theme. Our designer was impressed on how fast the editing process goes here

Encizocristian Comprador de la plantilla

experience. excellent template, easy to understand, easy to handle, very complete

Lynette Hardin Comprador de la plantilla

Perfect design for a political website, nice admin panel and great SEO adjustments!. This political leader website template for political candidates is a great fit for any type of political website. Unique design, bright and attractive layout, and tons of great features that can make the template really interactive. Also, there are lots of possibilities to grow up your site from an ordinary website to an unique internet resource using different plugins, extensions, and assistance of the MotoCMS team.

Jess Comprador de la plantilla

An amazing customer support. Your agents provide an amazing customer support


  • PHP v. 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • with MySQL database support
  • Zip Extension
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