Plantilla Web HTML Cement Company html

Tipo: Html
Pantilla: 55658
Comentaros: 3
Black and red site for manufacturers

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Plantillas Similares

  • Comentaros (3)
  • Requerimientos

Notas y comentarios de los clientes(3)

Diego Espinosa de los Monteros Comprador de la plantilla

Great colors. I really liked the color palette that came with the design, but after trying out MotoCMS 3, I would highly recommend to upgrade it.

Clyde Comprador de la plantilla

i need twitter widget. everything is okay, but I still need widget for twitter. I know that there are social widgets in Moto 3 version. Could you update this one or something?

Travis Comprador de la plantilla

Experience. I make some changes for my website ones a week. This admin panel is an interesting experience for me.


  • PHP v. 5.4+, 5.5+, 5.6+
  • Zend Guard Loader
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