Welcome this strict, but elegant business web template that will impress your rivals and attract more new clients. Let your customers enjoy the home page with large slider, various blocks for text, and photo content. Present your team, tell the latest news, provide your services.
Google Maps, located at the bottom of the home page, is the easiest way to find your company. Release your imagination in website building due to the control panel powered by MotoCMS. Edit text, upload photos, change element position. You can do everything entirely with your consulting website design without special skills in web design and programming. Try also the live demo version that is 14 days free. It is the best way to feel the high-quality of our product.
Consulting is a popular sphere and we've recently moved our site to MotoCMS 3. The results were better than we've expected and we plan to use it further
I got a second one!. I extremely love this template! That`s why I have two of them (with online-shop as an additional plugin and rebranded) for common business with our partners. I really recommend it for online work. Easy and Fast working! Thanks MotoCMS for this great webbuilder and best wishes to the team!
Вебсайт-конструктор - идеален!. Даже самая хорошая реклама от MotoCMS не передает разнообразия творческих функций, которыми обладает этот конструктор. Это реальный, образный "веб-клондайк", с огромнейшим количеством веб-возможностей, который позволяет вам создавать веб-шедевры в два клика. Кроме того, все сразу в Интернет Вселенной для общего обзора и никаких дополнительных программ и расходов на Adobe Dreamviewer. Но, особый + команде поддержки. Профессионалы и порядочные ответственные люди!
We are very glad to have this template. Hi, I am a happy owner of this template. I`ve got it for business some months ago and do not pity about. Can say to every person: “ If you have a doubt - to buy or not to buy...” I can say honestly: “YES, TO BUY!” Because every part of this template works very easy and quickly. And with its own template` s web-builder system you can build even new websites under your domain with no force and knowing coding and to start even an own business. Special thanks to the MotoSMC supporting service. No one can compare with them, their diligence and responsibility to the customs. I love MotoSMC very much and strongly recommend them to another. Sincerely, From our Team Esther Andr (Ukraine) http://vipclub.biz.ua/
Tech.support. Special thanks to MotoCMS customer support. I lacked time on reading tutorials to install my website. The callback feature provided by Moto is a pretty cool thing. They called me back when I wanted and installed this template themselves.