
This pet website template is dedicated to everything, concerning your animal companions. Purchase this website design to create a particular community, where people with the same interests will discuss specific topics devoted to animal care.

Pet Website Design from MotoCMS

Start up a pet store online for your website visitors to buy needed products. Write posts in your blog to share your experience in pets breeding, education, nutrition, etc. Show everyone the gallery with photos of pets. All this and much more is waiting for you at the one place online.

Don't like something in this web design? Don't worry. From now you are welcome to change everything in your website entirely due to the admin panel, powered by MotoCMS. Try the live demo version of this pet website design right now. It is available for free.

Customer Ratings & Reviews(3)

Kira Flint Verified buyer

As a group of pet trainers we adore this design and how it's simple to use it. We work under different sections from one account and we've implemented a lot of changes already

Luca Gelsi Verified buyer

Easy. It's easy to build and quick. Maybe a few more widgets will be better.

Martin Verified buyer

Large expectations. I thought the admin panel would be more intuitive. But still it's definitely of the best CMSs I've tried.


  • PHP v. 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • with MySQL database support
  • Zip Extension
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