
Open a brand-new educational branch on the web with a purchase of this university web template. Invite new students for getting the education, including participation in various university organizations and clubs. Offer the educational plans of your university, display information about the class schedule, the best students, events, whatever.

Look at the home page and you will realize why this university web template will be an excellent choice for the university website. The eye-pleasing decoration of selected colors, user-friendly navigation, animation, responsive design are only а few advantages that you get with this cool educational web theme. Try its live demo version. It is available for free. Experience the great template that is worth to represent your university.

Customer Ratings & Reviews(3)

Karina Kamelot Verified buyer

It's a good way to start your own site if you never had one. I personally tried it myself and the experience was satisfying and insightful

Вадим Сардов Verified buyer

Шаблон-конструктор. Понятный в управлении и очень привлекательный шаблон, создавать сайты с такими шаблонами одно удовольствие) Рекомендую!

Pierre Verified buyer

Great website for university. This website looks exactly as I need. I am in love with the design.


  • PHP v. 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • with MySQL database support
  • Zip Extension
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