
Get the windows and doors website template with a powerful drag and drop website builder. There is no need to be an experienced web developer to create a professional and modern website with a fully responsive design using MotoCMS drag and drop website builder. The template comes with beautiful typography, drag and drop website builder and free 1-year subscription for monthly software updates. Also, the Advanced contact form and eCommerce plugin can be easily added to this template. To stay in touch with your customers, you can add a contact form, a MailChimp subscription form or a LiveChat tool to your site.

Customer Ratings & Reviews(4)

Warner Hexagon Verified buyer

This interior theme was our #1 choice after we've checked all other competitors.This editor is a pure magic for newbies

Sarah Mays Verified buyer

Found MotoCMS for building my site and its admin panel really surprised me!. Every modern company needs to have a website in our digital era. The windows and doors website template has been chosen after two weeks of research. The layout is awesome and can be easily updated using MotoCMS composer. MotoCMS is the first system where I can use design presets for widgets, pre-made blocks with content and main colors picker. These features are really useful.

WebAdviser Verified buyer

Замечательный шаблон. Замечательный шаблон. Просто наполнив его контентом - он уже выглядит очень неплохо. Еще очень хороший адаптив. Я абсолютно доволен им!

Anatoliy.buryak1 Verified buyer

Простой и функциональный шаблон. Для тематики мебели, этот шаблон подходит как нельзя лучше. У него хорошая структура, которую почти не нужно переделывать, так с его помощью можно быстро получить хороший и красивый сайт.


  • PHP v. 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • with MySQL database support
  • Zip Extension
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