You’ll love this video web page template if you represent a videography company or you are a cameraman, a moviemaker or a video editor. It includes video and audio players, gallery and social media widgets, as well as different menu and button, presets, popups, tabs, accordions, and blog.
Ease of building and editing the video studio site with built-in CMS won’t waste your time on a video website development – everything is simple. Don’t think about coding or web design – this video web page template enables you to build and update a fast and responsive website on the go with drag & drop feature. Not convinced? Just try this video studio website template in a free two-week demo and have no doubt this website template is worth it!
My online business would never be as good as it is without this amazing online editor, thanks to MotoCMS
Lots of features and widgets, tons of settings and adjustments - any taste, any wish can be implemented on a site with this website template.. This video web page template is an excellent template with unique design. It's a perfect solution for a video studio website. The dark color scheme does not distract users from the content that is perfectly highlighted at the same time. MotoCMS admin panel has tons of great features for adding and maintaining content without editing source code.