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Nowadays each branch of industry or technology requires modern companies to be up-to-date to catch the time. However, you should be cutting edge if you want to be the best.

This taxi service website template is such a product that includes the latest tools for building a fast and feature-rich transport company website. Moreover, a built-in visual content editor doesn’t require any programming skills whereas its preinstalled widgets let you create a taxi website with galleries, tabs, accordions, contact forms, whatever, in a few clicks.

Try out this taxi service website template during a free two-week demo and find out this is a bargain that will make your transport company an industry leader!

Customer Ratings & Reviews(1)

Treshparty Vibes Verified buyer

After a long (and pleasant) conversation with moto managers I've got a bulk of licenses with a nice discount included


  • PHP v. 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • with MySQL database support
  • Zip Extension
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