This art school website template is a perfect way to create a kids art studio website and to grow the school of art on the web. Describe your services and classes, let your website visitors meet your teachers, and showcase the paintings & and other media using galleries and video players.
Search engines will index your site correctly thanks to default SEO options. So, all potential visitors will see your website on the top of SERP. They will be able to share your site via social network pages. You can also update users about your art studio or school news. Use a built-in blog and newsletter subscription widget with automated marketing tools integration.
Have a special event, and don’t want anyone to miss it? The countdown timer comes in handy here. Need to show the event's location? Here are map widgets! Want to discuss something with your website visitors and grow your page views? We have a Disqus comment section for this! Check this art school template now; it will surprise you!
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