Do you love cooking and sharing this passion with the world? Surely, a personal cookbook would be a dream come true, but we have an option that is (almost) just as good and exciting. This cooking recipes website template will help you build a beautiful website to share your favorite recipes online. This MotoCMS has an intuitive admin panel and a plethora of features that will make foodie into a web developer!
Do you know what a visual builder is? Let us introduce you to MotoCMS! All the pages are made of content blocks that can be manipulated effortlessly. If cooking is your hobby, then you know how important the visual aspect is. So, we made it possible for you to take a template and change its appearance until you are happy with the outcome. Moreover, our designers have thought everything through, because together with this cooking recipes website template, you will get curated images, icons, and fonts. No need to worry about having everything look good, we made sure it all works together!
Have you considered selling the food you cook? For example, if you make excellent cupcakes, sell them online with the help of a cupcake bakery website template. All the templates that MotoCMS offers have the same admin panel and the visual editing principle. Moreover, we have thought about people who prefer to read recipes on their phones. This cooking recipes website template is fully responsive.
Beautiful recipe categories, single recipe pages, or blog posts are not enough? With MotoCMS templates, the sky is the limit. Besides adding or removing content blocks, you can add a ton of other features from the “Extensions” category of your admin panel.
There are plenty of variants, for example:
And we have a little secret. If you click the “View Control Panel”, you will be able to try it out without having to purchase anything. Curious to see how templates differ, try this with a meal prep website template for food ordering too.
Are you reaching all the people you should be? Do you target specific keywords to help them discover you through Google? Then, you will be happy to know that MotoCMS cooking recipes website template offers easy and accessible SEO features. And that includes analytics, URLs, metadata, sitemap generation, and robots.txt.
And start building an amazing website for your wonderful recipes without delay.