
Now, you can take advantage of the fantastic driving instructor website design to open your online driving school. It is excellent to set up online support for potential trainees, give more information about your driving school's services, the cars that your students will use for practice, and many other essential aspects. If you want to increase your establishment's popularity, then this template is your opportunity to do it without wasting money and time.

Driving Instructor Website Design by MotoCMS

This multipage driving instructor website design uses the Moto 3 platform with unique and comprehensive functionality. This platform's template is different by excellent optimization, a built-in admin page for customizing the most fundamental and secondary elements, and a block design with a drag-and-drop interface.

The drag-and-drop interface from MotoCMS is the most convenient solution in the world of digital technologies for creating a website. Using it, you will not miss a single essential element. Also, you no longer need to spend your budget on a development team consisting of many people. You can save your money and use driving instructor website design to create a website without any additional help. Plus, this process will take you no more than three days. Every dog ​​has his day, and the time when you can create a website without additional help with a minimal budget is now.

Our Benefits

Surely, you need a fully functional website with an excellent structure, the ability to add subheadings and SEO content, integrate it with various platforms, and more. With a great initial design, you get all the pages you need to make your site work amazingly.

Among them:

  • Home Page; a must-have page for any of our templates. We have another related template that might also interest you - motorcycle website design.
  • About us; here you can tell about the history of creation, special classes, educational system, goals, and training possibilities in your driving school. All this is included in the initial design. You have to fill these information blocks with your content;
  • Courses; here, you can add information about the practices held in your driving school. You can also explain the features of driving and conducting classes on specially designed windows.
  • Reviews; an essential part of any school's work is the ability to view reviews. This page will fit perfectly into your website design.

These are just a few of the pre-built pages for your website. You will also find such as Contacts and even a special Blog section. With the help of widgets and other admin page tools, you can also easily add many other preset pages to your website or create them undividedly yourself. It will be easy to add them to the public interface. You no longer need knowledge of code or even markup because configuration takes place using the built-in admin page's functionality exclusively.

Design Settings

It is not difficult to create your layout using the driving instructor website design. We've added an initial preset and a few additional ones, so you have some options to choose from. You can customize each preset, both for each page separately and for all at once. Thus, you can quickly and efficiently set up fonts for texts, the main background, or the background for separate information blocks. In this, you will also be helped by the hints built into the interface. The support team is working for you in live 24/7 mode. You can ask your questions at any time of the day or night and receive a comprehensive answer.

Simple SEO

Making your site appear in search results is a hard nut to crack. But we tried to create the driving instructor website design to have all the technical characteristics for this. Excellent optimization on each device, a fully functional interface, and all sorts of options for customizing SEO on your own are just a few of the benefits of any of our templates. You can customize the meta title, tags, and alts for pictures and other required elements with your own hands. So, your site will match most of the algorithms used by search engines.


Driving instructor website design is one of the most innovative solutions for your needs. An incredible number of built-in widgets will help you make your work even more accessible and enjoyable. You can upload your images to the site and use ready-made stock photos and pictures from the Media Library section. Also, you can easily add media files of various formats and audio-video players for their playback to the site. Integrate your website with Google Analytics and Google Maps to learn more about the target audience and show your potential customers the driving school location. You can find even more amazing templates like this in our catalog.

Customer Ratings & Reviews(2)

Ceri Raymond Verified buyer

I use this template to sell my goods and have no complaints whatsoever. It is super easy to use and doesn't affect loading speed as the case with most CMS.

Josie Wiggins Verified buyer

Great Product! I've read some of the comments and can't believe they are truth. Keep up the great work guys! "


  • PHP v. 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • with MySQL database support
  • Zip Extension
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