Alternative Energy Website Template Done in Light Tones

Type: Html
Item: 43395
Alternative Energy Website Template Done in Light Tones - image

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Alternative Energy Website Template Done in Light Tones

Modern understanding of renewable energy resources appeared about half a century ago. At that time many countries became short of gas and so there was a need to rethink the energy production and consumption. Natural resources will be never used up, people understood it and thus eco-friendly energy resources were developed. According to statistics, the global consumption of alternative energy is around 16% today.

So far as this industry is growing rapidly, more and more renewable energy companies appear. This alternative energy website template done in light tones is oriented on such firms, so whether you already run one or just going to do it, try the template as your online business card.

Light colors are very favorable for a business web project. White, gray and light blue are all well-perceptible, unobtrusive and pleasing hues.

The theme is rather compact but informative. The Slider is presented on every page and below it there is enough space for text, which is decorated and supplemented with images for a better user experience.

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  • PHP v. 5.4+, 5.5+, 5.6+
  • Zend Guard Loader
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