Book Promotion Website Template for Authors

Type: Html
Item: 48060
Book Promotion Website Template for Authors image
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Websites help writers to become closer to their readers, give them information on their life events and artistry news, gain feedback on the books. This way of communicating with fans is still not widespread among many authors. It is sad, but only a handful of modern writers understand the importance of having a well-designed, optimized, clear, and engaging website. We want to present a fantastic ready-made solution for authors - book promotion website template.

The color palette of this theme is limited to a few pastel and delightful tones. The layout is arranged very well, and enough negative space is left. The pictures are appropriately used in this template because they provide the context for the text. The imagery is a helpful tool to create an appropriate mood of a website.

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  • PHP v. 5.4+, 5.5+, 5.6+
  • Zend Guard Loader
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