Health and Fitness Website Template

Type: Html
Item: 51165
Health and Fitness Website Template - image
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Health and Fitness Website Template

Unhealthy nutrition and lack of physical activity become a big problem for many people today. Humans need to take care about their health and sports or medical centers can help with it. Here is exactly this kind of website design: health and fitness website template.

The template has a range of features make your online presence more impressive, efficient and convenient. The admin panel gives you an excess to the template’s functionality and this means you can edit anything with a simple mouse click.

The design of this template is modern, nice, user-friendly and practical. Firstly, the content architecture is done greatly on this theme, and it allows your website to hold much info in the most suitable way. The colors are picked well and pastel tones dominate. There is much space for images and other multimedia content items.

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  • PHP v. 5.4+, 5.5+, 5.6+
  • Zend Guard Loader
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