This PowerPoint template provides a flexible solution for entrepreneurs who want to present a product and collect investments with no hassle. The tech PowerPoint template offers a ready-to-run solution for those who are short in time or doesn't have particular skills to create a leading-edge slideshow.
This template implies a few versions of each slide, so you can select the best one that meets all your needs and update it according to your requirements. There are two different versions of the cover and welcome slides. They have different layout and color schemes for any purpose. Also, the high tech PPT template comes with three different pages to represent your services. Each of these slides is 100% unique and have alluring animation effect.
The single-service page on the tech PowerPoint template consists of a laptop mockup image and a short description. Hence, you'll be able to take a screenshot of your digital product, insert it into desktop mockup, and show how your online service or web application works. Also, you can supplement this slide with a catchy heading and short description. The testimonials page on the business analytics PowerPoint template will help you to show the feedback from verified clients. Award slides on the tech ppt template will tell more about your achievements.
The pricing slide contains three sections with different tariff plans. Each pricing block has a particular color that distracts it, among others. Each section implies an icon, price per month, description, and a list of services. The central block is more prominent than others. It helps to focus the attention on the most popular offer. After the rates slide, you can represent your team and make a pause in your presentation. For this purpose, there is a coffee-break slide.
After a break, the technology PowerPoint template will help you to show your portfolio in different ways. There are five slides with diverse layouts to showcase released projects. The USA map slide offers the ability to highlight particular states in your presentation. Each US state on this slide has the form of a separate image. Hence, if you want to point out specific areas on the map in your sideshow, you need to select a particular image and update its background color in a few clicks. Also, there is the Europe map slide and a large assortment of infographic.