This template is perfect and helpful for entrepreneurs who are new at the business, so they don't know how to create a compelling presentation. This one helps those who don't have specific skills in the building presentations or short in time. The creative agency PowerPoint presentation template will help present your creative agency with more creativity and no effort.
This graphic design PowerPoint template contains few versions of each slide so you can select the appropriate one according to your desire and needs. Each slide of this template is 100% unique and creative. Each slide has different layout and color schemes so it can be used for any purpose. This PowerPoint template design professional has a total of 7 different color schemes of the slides. The main colors used in these combinations are yellow, sea green, violet, grey, blue, light green. You can choose the best color scheme according to your requirements.
The creative agency PPT presentation contains almost all slides to illustrate your agency briefly in a few minutes. The website design PowerPoint template has our services slide, where you can tell more about the services that your agency provides. Also, this slideshow has a card type pattern so that you can add logos and descriptions. This web design PPT template has a team slide to introduce your team members. Besides, there are three versions of this team member slide.
The graphics design PowerPoint template has five different versions of the portfolio slide with different layouts. You can insert images and short descriptions in all the versions. The website design PPT template has one history slide which to show the history of your agency to others. It has a contact slide that includes the map area to add the firm's location and other essential details.
The creative PowerPoint presentation has one design slide that is helpful to provide an intro to the new and original designs of your agency to the investors. Also, it has a slide to add the image of your agency. And at last, it contains the thank you slide for thanking clients or investors for watching your presentation.