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  • Recenzje (2)
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Oceny i recenzje klientów(2)

Solitude Cardriver Zweryfikowany klient

Redesigned this theme for my driving company nearly from scratch and the results are perfect enough to give information about us

Marcus Hickman Zweryfikowany klient

This is a really SEO optimized website template with admin panel. My sales have grown a lot.. After moving to this organic food website template from a common HTML site, the search results of my site increased by 5 times within a week. MotoCMS system is fast, fully responsive and well optimized. Customer support got back to me in an hour with a solution for the issue I faced.


  • PHP wersja 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • Wspieracie bazy danych MySQL
  • Zip Extension
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