Gray Marketing Website Template with Red Accents

Gray Marketing Website Template with Red Accents - image
This type of product is getting outdated. HTML templates have limited functionality features and follow a bit obsolete look and patterns. So, if you wish to get an updated website theme, choose one from the vast set of modern MotoCMS 3 templates in the target category. You will undoubtedly find the one to your liking!


One-color websites are rare to find on the Web. A good design is often a combination of neutral and bright colors, like this gray marketing website template with red accents.The template is a working tool for any business. The background consists of several gray tones. They are stylish and pleasing for users. Important details are differentiated by their red tone. It is a very successful idea to point out the most needed buttons, slogans etc.The navigation is provided via a drop-down menu bar. Regularly the menu is colored in black, but a selected item turns into red. Plus, there is a tiny arrow for a drop-down part, thus the visitors may see that a particular page includes subpages. It is done to prevent the pages skipping.Let this useful tool work for you and you won’t loss!
  • PHP v. 5.4+, 5.5+, 5.6+
  • Zend Guard Loader
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