Horror Website Template for Spooky Halloween Shop

Horror Website Template Image
This type of product is getting outdated. MotoCMS 3 templates have limited functionality features and follow a bit obsolete look and patterns. So, if you wish to get an updated website theme, choose one from the vast set of modern Moto 4 templates in the target category. You will undoubtedly find the one to your liking!


This horror website template pertains to the category of Halloween website designs that have a dark and scary design to convey the atmosphere of all souls' day. Creepy Head — a new MotoCMS scary website template uses the traditional color scheme that implies black and orange colors. MotoCMS e-commerce plugin converts a website into an e-store for selling blood-curdling costumes and decorations. The advanced system accepts online payments, calculates taxes, and shipping expenses by itself.Thematic Horror Website Template on MotoCMS E-Store BuilderSell the most terrible Halloween apparel and makeup tools on the internet by using this website template with ready-to-go Halloween website design. Thanks to the pre-built multipage layout with content, a website building process takes just a few hours. Update the inventory on your e-store and add some actual information on the horror website template to start your online retail business. This spooky template for Halloween shop uses all the avant-garde features in web development to provide an excellent user experience. Moreover, the template comes with a pack of all saints' eve images. Hence, you can use any of them on your website, thanks to the royalty-free license.The template's header supplemented with the information block, sticky navigation bar, and a gallery with full-screen rotating banners. The information block displays contact information and contains the search tab along with the cart and personal account icons. This block has a bright orange background that attracts the user's attention. The navigation bar is black to match the color scheme of the Halloween feast day. The main menu pins to the top side when a user starts scrolling a website. This feature helps to navigate on a website easily. The whole-screen banners help to promote products on sale and inform clients about new arrivals.Hair-Raising eStore with Horror Website TemplateThe main feature of this scary website template is the ability to sell products online with no technical background. MotoCMS website builder brings the ability to add products manually or import them all together by using a CSV file. Also, it allows managing the inventory, brands & categories, setting up taxes, and configuring delivery options in a few clicks. When all products configured in the admin panel, the system creates a showcase on the Halloween landing page template automatically. Furthermore, the horror website template brings the opportunity to browse categories and review special offers directly on the homepage.The category pages imply the product listing widget that helps to arrange products in a particular order or show a specific type of product only. Furthermore, the system creates product pages for every item in your inventory. The product page on this spooky website template consists of a product's image, actual and prior prices, available product options, reviews, and a detailed description. Moreover, the system picks up related products and adds them automatically. Try MotoCMS website builder and its ease of use for free. Register a 14-day trial and create a website quickly with no coding.
Weeley Nito Verified Buyer 2020-11-16
Never thought that the site’s editing process can be that easy!
John Mecota Verified Buyer 2020-11-15
I’ve exchanged my old license for this one and I’m really pleased with how smooth the overall editing process is handled here
  • PHP v. 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • with MySQL database support
  • Zip Extension
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